söndag 27 mars 2011

MAY THE TESTS BEGIN...a light summary in pictures from 2009-2011

Here we are  
In this photo: Carlos, Arne-Wilhelm, Karl-Johan, Antonio, (Norut IT) ?,  Samo, Javier, Xavier, Karin, Susanne, John, Sigurd, Elwynd.

Thorvald and Per-Anders are preparing before going out in the wilderness
Tannak´s "Herdwiev" is taped on a corall for reindeer 
This what´s inside - a result of three years of development
Wintertest area
On our way to our reindeer in the test corrals...out in the wilderness in Swedish Lapland. Yieppi!

Elwynd arriving to the corral by snowmobile and...
...a suspicious reindeer is waiting for us - wondering what this is all about

Next to the corral we have our office and restaurant

There are one or two reindeer outside the corral - observing "What on earth is going on"...

Karin shows how to catch a reindeer with a lasso...

...while Carlos looks doubtful about Antonio and a lasso:"Best to prepare to wait a looong time here with my equipment?!"

Caroline: "Oohh! Please help me Lena! I missed the lasso lesson."
Alvaro takes help from Susanne and Karin to hold the reindeer.
But it´s hard keeping it still long enough to put the collar on.
But with a little help from friends it´s being done.
All done! Off you go - so we can test our equipment that we have on your collar.
Nice looking guy...
"Wait! One more collar to test...Please help med Gunnel."
"Oh no ... when will this madness end?"
Outdoor office for wintertests
A typical outdoor desk...
and an indoor desk in an indoor office
There are a lot to adjust to get the technology working when it´s -30C outside...
...and + 30 C inside!
Some of us who have been working with the wintertests during these 3 years.
Thorvald. Carlos, Caroline, Susanne, Alvaro and Karin.

To read about the members of this project and details of the tests and results go here. .

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